Resident Cats

ACFLR’s Resident Cat program is for cats that have severe or terminal medical diagnoses requiring specialty veterinary care. Often times their adoptability is effected and they are placed in our Resident Cat program. They reside with a “forever foster” and we cover the cost of their condition throughout their lifetime.


Nora was rescued from a hoarding situation, she was abandoned with 30+ other cats in a squalid apartment. Nora has a grade 2/6 heart murmur, mild tricuspid regurgitation & sinus bradycardia (low heart rate). She takes 2 medications daily & sees her cardiologist for cardiac ultrasounds twice yearly.


Billie was rescued as a stray & was suffering from severe dental disease. He received a complete dental removing all of his problem teeth & was diagnosed with tooth resorption. Later on, Billie was diagnosed with irritable bowel disease which is managed with prednisone. Billie is not a big fan of people but has bonded with his foster family. Due to Billie’s history of recurring dental disease & progression of IBD, he joined the Resident Program in January 2024.


Benji came to us from a hoarding case where he was locked in a cage for over 4 years. He had severely overgrown nails & was stained from urine with scalding. Despite the cruelty he endured, he was the sweetest, most affectionate boy from the moment he was rescued. We learned that Benji had a grade 4 heart murmur which prompted more investigation from a veterinary cardiologist. Benji was then diagnosed with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy - requiring 2 medications daily. He remains under the care of a veterinary cardiologist receiving twice yearly cardiac ultrasounds.


Jovie is 1 of 9 kittens found in a cardboard box taped shut. She has a 6/6 heart murmur & ventricular septal defect - also known as “hole in the heart.” Surgery is not an option for her as she quickly developed signs of heart failure. She is on medication to slow down the progression.